If you are having problems logging in to the website this can ultimately relate to one of three things, either you are entering the incorrect username and password, your login has been suspended by one of your club adminsitrators or your computer is not storing the login effectively. Note you should be entering your login and password, not your email and password, with many clubs having parent and child accounts on the system email addresses are often duplicated, so we use unique logins.
If you receive an error message saying "Sorry your login attempt has failed" this means either your login or password has been entered incorrectly (see above note about your login being separate from your email). Most problems with logging in relate to this, unfortunately we are all susceptible to typos! The best way of ensuring you have the correct login and password is to complete a forgotten password form. Next to the login link you will find a link to Forgot Password?, click this link and enter either your login or registered email address. Your login and an link to reset your password will be emailed to you.
If you do not receive the above error message, the problem is likely to be due to settings on your computer which are blocking the cookie used to store your login. A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer that allows a website to store small pieces of information between web page views. Sometimes people block these using security settings in there browser, or external security software such as Norton. This means that the website has no way of storing your login information between page requests, and as such you never appear to be logged in. You should ensure that Cookies are accepted from your club website.
It is also worth highlighting that the system enforces secure passwords. If you have an existing account that hasn't be accessed for a while you will be forced to update your password which follows best security practice. This has confused some users, but is an essential part of keeping club's data secure.