To enable users to create polls the user in the forum needs to be updated to be a member of the forum administration group (members who are admin users of the main website, still need to be added to this group in the forum).
To do this, as a hitssports admin user click the members link on the top right of the forum, find the member you wish to give administrative rights to the forum. Underneath the signature box, there is a link "administer user", click this. On the edit user page, click the "user's groups" link on the left of the Edit Users box, then click to select the Administration access, and then click save. The user selected will then have access to create poll's and other functions specified under the Administration group (the specific rights allowed for that group can be amended if required by clicking the Groups (Roles) link on the left menu of the forum admin).
To create a new poll you need to follow the "New topic" link in the forum, then simply click the "Create poll" link that shows in the left hand column, below the Priority heading. You can then define a question, and a range of possible answers.