Data Imports

Our aim is to provide all of the facilities you need to maintain your website through the admin area, we have treid to make it a simple and easy process to add new members and fixtures to your website.  Adding fixtures has been optimized to make it a really quick process.  For most clubs fixtures are added by individual team captains. the system will increment fixture dates by a week at a time, which generally matches with how fixtures are scheduled, and fields are pre-popuated where possible.  Ultimately this means it's just the team name and venue that changes with each fixture for most (but not all) clubs.   It typically takes less than ten minutes for a captain to add a season of fixtures.  We are however sometimes asked about importing data from existing spreadsheets. 

We are don't provide an automated import function, as our belief is the easiest way to handle this is using the tools provided, and the effort involved in formatted data for import typically far outweighs the effort required for a manual data entry task spread across team admins.  We can however provide assistance by manually importing your data, if this is a service that you feel will help, this incurs a charge of £25 per import.  We'll provide a simple template for the import and handle any data entry errors for you that cause issues with the import process.  Imports can either be run for fixtures, or members, and are run to add to existing data (i.e must only include new data).   We don't expect to do this often, as it shouldn't be needed, but realise it can be helpful for some clubs if they have several hundred fixtures in a structured format already.

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